The Blogosphere’s Waistline Expanding Into The Fatosphere

by Mr. Lazy

Behind a computer is a good place for fat people to hide. It’s just exchanging time that used to be spent in front of the TV. The fatosphere is growing, and letting people know it’s OK to be morbidly obese, too fat to see your penis, or the size of a small house.

Blogs written by fat people � and it�s fine to use the word, they say � have multiplied in recent months, filling a virtual soapbox known as the fatosphere, where bloggers calling for fat acceptance challenge just about everything conventional medical wisdom has to say about obesity.

The only place this denial will be believed is if all of these fat bloggers stay seated at their desks typing away. You gotta admit though, making “fat” magically not a problem anymore is certainly lazier than actually eating less or exercising.

[photo by: miamifeeder]

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